Starting back in mid-2021, Vertical 7 is a privately owned cannabis micro-cultivation, that focuses on the creation of the most premium cultivars.


    Vertical 7’s goal is to provide the finest products to all our consumers by pushing the boundaries of cannabis innovation.


    Our vision as a company is to revolutionize the cannabis industry and to become a gold standard for high-quality cannabis products.


    The goals at Vertical 7 are to create top-shelf cannabis, expand our reach to all corners of Canada, and diversify our strains to better fit our consumers!

How We Are Different


    Up to date with the latest horticultural technology that includes Foshe & Agnetix LED lighting systems, Rhythm’s high precision fertigation system, and our climate control systems.


    We grow our cannabis canopy vertically which allows us to maximize facility square footage, efficiently grow our plants, and create a more efficient work flow environment.


    We are focused on the creation of the most premium cannabis flower in order to properly satisfy the needs of our customer’s current and future acquired tastes and aromas.


  • The term “craft cannabis” describes a unique type of marijuana that uses superior cultivation techniques and nutrients to deliver a fresh product — just think of craft beer, premium wine, and organic food. Currently, a lot of people love craft cannabis for its unique and top-notch quality.

  • Health Canada issues four types of licenses for cultivation (Standard, Micro, Nursery, and Hemp) and two types for processing (Standard and Micro).

    For cultivation, “Micro” is defined as any operation up to 200 square meters in a cultivation area. On a hockey rink, that would be about the area from the benches to the center dot wide, and between the two blue lines long.

  • Yes, all of our cannabis products are tested within the Montreal area to ensure that our products meet the necessary requirements set by Health Canada and our own company policies.

    We test our products for a variety of factors that include THC and CBD content, terpene levels, microorganisms, and much more to ensure only the best products reach our consumers.

  • Currently, our products are only offered in Quebec.

    We are looking to expand into other provinces in the near future!